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Humble Beginnings

He waka eke noa

Three Māori boys in a group chat, once workmates, now friends, decided to start a business one day. That day has come. Waitoru was formed by three humble men, with a vision to create a legacy for their whānau and to have fun while doing it. The idea for Waitoru was a natural progression from their combined knowledge and experience in water infrastructure and the coinciding national conversations about "Three Waters Reform". Waitoru is a name synonymous with their story about three Māori boys, qualified to help with three different waters.

The whakatauki, 'He waka eke noa', implies that we are all in this together. It prompts a line of questioning (Where is the waka heading? How do we navigate it... most effectively?)and encourages us to explore the most effective ways to work together. This holds true for Waitoru; A collaborative effort with a strengths-based approach to everything we do.

Our Kaitiaki


Harawene Watene

Certified Drainlayer

He uri tēnei no te Tairawhiti, Te puku o te ika, me te Taitokerau.

Born and bred in the Wellington region, Hara has worked in the residential, commercial and civil industry for just over a decade. His strengths are project management and operational oversight. Hara has worked in companies of all sizes, which has given him the experience that makes him the tradesman he is today.

"Piki atu ki te taumata o tōku maunga, ka kite atu i te mana i te ihi o te whenua nei nō ōku tūpuna.- I climb to the summit of my mountain to see the land of my ancestors.”

"Like this proverb says, I believe in the fact that, as kaitiaki of this land, our responsibility is to maintain it for future generations so they also have the opportunity to see how beautiful Aotearoa is."

"My vision is to create Waitoru into a company that is respected by all those who come in contact with us; known for high quality work, high health and safety standards and complete transparency."

Mykel Herewini

Tradesman Drainlayer/ Pipelaying L4 (Water strand)

Mykel has worked in the three waters industry, Drainage, Stormwater and Potable water for ten years with extensive experience in water maintenance. He spent seven of those working for Wellington Water, previously Capacity.


"We worked on callouts at any hour and in any conditions. We problem solved with limited resources to restore and maintain services. Some challenging situations were resolved with experience, knowledge and commitment."


“Kotahi taku huata ki Hauruia, te mano, te mano, te mano — For every kumara I plant in my garden at Hauruia there follows a progeny of thousands.” 

"I interpret this whakatauki from my tipuna Kaiaio as planting the seed for future generations, setting them up in a healthy environment to grow."

"Waitoru is committed to providing the highest quality workmanship and unparalleled services. We strive to incorporate tikanga Māori into our mahi and share a common goal towards success."


Nate Tangipo

Tradesman Drainlayer

Nate spent 16 years in road infrastructure and maintenance before pursuing a trade qualification in Drainlaying. His career, most recently in the civil sector, has given him exposure to all sites, big and small, and experience with a vast range of heavy machinery, plant and equipment.

"Maranga, Taranaki, me mihi. Huri huri noa, ka wawata noa."

If you hear this song,"Aku raukura", and Nate's in the vicinity, then you'll know he's controlling the music. Nate's an avid diver, so when he's not working or spending time with his family, you'll find him in the ocean. His personality is fun and outgoing but when it comes to work, his motto is to "get in and get it done."

"At Waitoru, we want to help people, like we were helped along the way. Train apprentices and give them a positive experience in the industry."

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